The computer has long moved from luxury items to the category of the most important technical means. With its help, business is conducted, blocks of necessary information are transmitted at any distance, communication is made with relatives and friends who are in another part of the globe. Regardless of the purpose for which you are […]
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Category: Server
Mozy to Offer Online Backup for iOS
Mozy, a leading online backup service provider is working on developing mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms which will allow users to access backed-up files from their smart phones or tablets. In addition to announcing its mobile app plans, Mozy is looking for beta testers for a new feature that will synchronize files across all […]
$100 million to fuel innovative economy
January 21, 2011|By Gus G. Sentementes, The Baltimore Sun. Hoping to spur jobs, innovation and economic growth, Gov. Martin O’Malley wants to tap tax revenue to invest $100 million in fledgling technology, life sciences and other companies across the state. O’Malley, a Democrat, plans to unveil details of the “Invest Maryland” program Monday as a […]