According to IBM researchers, these innovations and developments will determine how our world will become in the near future.
Quantum computing
Today, quantum computing is more likely a playground for researchers, but within five years they will become a familiar reality for professionals working on problems that previously seemed insoluble. Quantum computing will be mastered everywhere in universities and even (to some extent) at the high school level.
Now already, IBM researchers have successfully modeled an atomic bond in beryllium hydride (BeH2), the most complex molecule ever modeled by a quantum computer. In the future, quantum computing will solve much more complex problems, and ultimately they will surpass everything that we can do with classic machines.
Cryptography and blockchain
Most recently, IBM introduced a microchip the size of a salt granule and a cost of about 10 cents. In terms of computing power, it is comparable to computers in the 1990s. It supports blockchain technology and can serve as a data source for relevant applications.
In the near future, such tiny chips can be used as “cryptographic anchors” to track the supply of goods, control food safety, identify genuine luxury goods and so on. Buyers themselves will be able to track the entire path of the goods from production to the time of sale.
Grid Cryptography
To keep up with the times and new technologies, IBM is developing encryption methods that can surpass all existing protocols. A lot of hope lies in the method of post-quantum encryption, the so-called cryptography on lattices, that is, on complex algebraic structures.
Hacking such encryption is practically impossible, even future quantum computers will not be able to do it, IBM representatives assure. That is why this technology can be used to protect the most valuable data from hacker attacks.
AI robots
In the next five years, with the help of artificial intelligence and robotics, one of the most important problems of mankind can be taken under control — pollution of the oceans. It is planned to introduce a network of autonomous microscopes that signal adverse effects.
We are talking about micro-robots united in the cloud and located around the world, capable of monitoring the behavior of plankton. It is plankton that is a biological sensor that characterizes the content of harmful substances in the seas and oceans. Data on the movement of plankton will allow much faster to determine changes in water composition.
Unbiased Artificial Intelligence
To prevent the bias of artificial intelligence from becoming a real problem soon, IBM is already working on systems that can be trusted. First of all, it is AI trained on data free from racial, gender and ideological prejudices.
To this end, the company’s researchers have developed a method of reducing bias, which can be used in the set of educational materials of AI. This approach will create an objective system that will not contribute to the spread of inequality, IBM researchers are sure.
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